How to Learn French Online and Speak Like a Native?
Learn French Online: TuitionE makes learning easier and faster for you! French is a beautiful language and an elective that’s taken up by thousands of students each year during their schooling years. Learning a new language isn’t that tough. But taking it to the next level and being as good as a native speaker is difficult.
Today, we’ll discuss how you can learn French in online and speak like a native.
How Can Learn Online French Classes Help You Faster?
Learning a new language is difficult and can be demotivating since it’s a slow process. Most people start a language course, leave it midway, only to come back to it years later. Online French classes help students be proactive because now they have a tutor who acts as their accountability partner.
These personalised online classes for French language learning are better than a traditional classroom setting as well. In a conventional classroom setting, where multiple students attend a language class, it’s easy to get overlooked by your teacher.
But in personalised one-to-one online classes, your tutor focuses only on your learn French language skills.
Additional Strategies to Learn French Online Fast
Immersing yourself in the language is key to quickly mastering French. In addition to the core practices of daily study through your online French classes, here are some additional ways you can learn French fast:
- Seek out opportunities to converse with native French speakers as often as possible. Joining a local language meetup group, finding a language partner online, or even just listening to French music, movies, or podcasts can help train you.
- Label household objects with their French names using sticky notes. Seeing these words every day in your living environment reinforces memorisation. You can also change your phone, computer, or TV settings to French to learn french online fast.
- When reading or listening to French content, don't worry about understanding every single word right away. Focus first on the gist and try to infer meanings from context clues. This trains your brain to process the language as a whole rather than getting stuck translating each component.
- Finally, don't be afraid to make mistakes when practising your spoken French. Native speakers will appreciate your efforts and correct you in a friendly way. Overcoming the fear of imperfection is vital to gaining fluency in conversation.
Tips to Speak French Like a Native Speaker

We have some tips on how you can learn to speak French like a native speaker. When you’re trying to learn French online, make sure you participate in these activities with your tutor as well.
- Pronunciation: You must get the pronunciations just right if you want to speak like a native. Practice speaking French with your tutor frequently. You can also set goals for each session that your tutor can assess.
- Listen to French audiobooks: Audiobooks or listening to French through different resources can help you with the language. Learning French is a lot about understanding the language in its various spaces, such as movies, songs, and books.
- Be less formal: Try to be less formal when you’re speaking French. Speaking any language in a formal tone gives the opposite impression of a native speaker.
- Hold conversations: When you’re attending online French classes, try to hold a conversation with your tutor in French 99% of the time. Speak in French even when you’re asking doubts.
- Learn filler words: Native speakers use a tonne of filler words when they’re thinking of appropriate responses. It’s done not just by French people but by all of us in our languages. It’s a great way to sound native.
Top Languages to Learn in 2024
At TuitionE, French is one of the most popular languages that students seek to learn. But the list of popular foreign languages doesn’t end here. Here are 4 top languages, including French, to learn at TuitionE in 2024:
- Arabic: In the UAE, students are encouraged to learn Arabic as per the instructions of the UAE’s Ministry of Education. But even beyond this compulsion, learning Arabic is, academically and professionally, a step forward. Being proficient in Arabic is advantageous to students who are interested in anthropology, history, Middle Eastern studies, sociology, and comparative literature.
- English: English is a global language, a link that connects nations. Being proficient in English is an advantage for students who want to study or work abroad. At TuitionE, students learn English from native English speakers as well to reach a new level of proficiency.
- French: As we’ve talked throughout this article, French is a popular language in the UAE. This is because of its many job prospects, but also because it’s a beautiful language. According to Babbel, “120 million students are currently learning French, making it the second most studied language in the world after English.”
- Spanish: Currently, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world (572 million native speakers) after English. Learning Spanish can open doors to studying abroad, scholarships, career opportunities, and more.
At, we help students learn multiple languages so that they’re ready for the global stage.
Learn French Online Classes for You
If you’re looking for online classes that can help you reach the native level, then you’re at the right place. Online one on one French language learning is made easier with TuitionE mentors who are skilled in French and can take you to the next level. Register at for a free demo class.
Written by -: Debanjali Sarkar